2013 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

Aufenthalt in Bern, Juni
>>> residency.ch artist talk 6.6.

Balkan Series (Srebrenica 2010)

at watertower festival, Sofia

At the End of the Day
fuer UN-revisited
Foto-Installation mit roll-ups, Teppich, Monitor, 2013 April-August
>>> UN - women Conference
>>> Alliance of Arab Women, press conference
>>> Humanitarians under Attack - Valerie Amos
Joseph Deiss, lecture and panel
>>> UNIC Kairo (UN-information centre)
>>> ILO and cida project launch

Sitzung des Ausschusses fuer Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur im Brandenburgischen Landtag
2 Kanal Fotoserie
bei: LandKunstLeben im brandenburgischen Ministerium fuer Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur, Potsdam 4.2013
>>> Fotos - Kurzfassung

Official Views
Palestine Syria Egypt
at: eyes are tourists Berlin march 2013

city council Ramallah

Ramallah Academy of Art, artists talk, 2013 Feb 19th

Haifa Citybook
city portrait
Installation, photoseries, 2013 Feb. 14 - 21