L-L-Looking for a Story?

Sarajevo Februar 1996, 2 Monate nach Unterzeichnung des Daytoner Vertrags

Kultur - Bairam im Nationalmuseum
, Haggada, Naturkundemuseum, Nationalbibliothek, Generator des Radnik-Kinos, Theater, Jakob Finci - Benevolecija

>>> Text: Matratzengärten
>>> Anreise Split, Mostar, Neretva
>>> 1996-Kultur (64)
>>> Are you missing the story?: Holiday Inn und Pressezentrum
>>> Matratzengärten Öfen Menschen
>>> Pateiversammlung SDA
>>> Flughafen, Ilidza, Abreise

© Sibylle Hofter / Agentur Schwimmer

Sarajevo february 1996, 2 months after the dayton

press centre Holiday Inn Hotel

soon: >>> Holiday Inn state 2010

>>> text: Matratzengärten (german)
>>> travels Split, Mostar, Neretva
>>> 1996-Kultur
>>> are you missing the story?: Holiday Inn and press centre
>>> matrass gardens stoves and people
>>> SDA party meeting
>>> airport, Ilidza, travels
>>> Übersicht Bildagentur Schwimmer
>>> Start
>>> overview Schwimmer image agency
>>> home
NATIONALMUSEUM - historische Abteilung Enver Imamovic, damaliger Direktor des Nationalmuseums Naturkundemuseum BAIRAM Feier im Nationalmuseum Portraits aller anwesenden Mitarbeiter Direktor Enver Imamovic ich frage mich, ob es mit der Zeit wärmer wurde im Raum oder ob die Leute zu frieren begannen, die Reihenfolge der Aufnahmen lässt sich nicht mehr eruieren. National Theatre Nationaltheater aggregate for the RADNIK-Kino office of "la benevolencija" the charity organisation of the jewish community. importing tons of foods and medicals to sarajevo during the siege, serving around 300 free daily meals since 1991. Jakob Finci, president of "la benevolencija". since 2008 bosnian ambassador in switzerland

finci together with roma citizen dervo sejdic struggled in front of the court for human rights (and won in 2009). In the current situation members of minorities can´t become presidents, because of the ethnically based structure of power.

"dont confuse your rank with your authority" National Library administration of the national library with the rests of books and donations (i assume)