Kairo 7
Projektstart "Angemessene Jobs für junge Menschen in Ägypten:
Die Herausforderung gemeinsam annehmen" im Ministerium für Arbeit
und Auswanderung Heliopolis / Ägypten
ILO-International Labour Organisation (eine Agentur der VN)
CIDA-Kanadische internationale Entwicklungsorganisation
Cairo 7
Launching of ILO / CIDA joint project on "Decent jobs for Egypt´s
young people: Tackling the challenge together" in ministery of manpower
and migration
ILO-International Labour Organisation (an agency of the UN)
CIDA-canadian international development agency
left to right: Dr.
Yousef Qaryouti Director ILO-decent work team for North Africa, Cairo
Office; Mohsen El-Nomani Minister for local development; Ahmed El Borai
Minister of Manpower and Migration; Ferry de Kerckhove, canadian ambassador
in Eygypt