Bildagentur Schwimmer Image Agency
date 2011-03-22
About 4500 images were uploaded since Feb. 2009 in a range of about 60 themes.
Approx. 2700 (61%) are our main subjects politics and economy, 38% are culture
and portraits of sites and countries, 1% sports and leisure.
In the next months the html-tab will be transformed to a data base, the agency
will become real and include various other participants. We invite contributers! contacts: +49-170-9024898 bildagentur(at)buero-schwimmer(punkt)de
actually most of the images are made by Sibylle Hofter. Due to the laws it is
not neccessary to remark, that any use of the provided imagery is only legal,
if we license it.
Usually - like in other photo stocks - images will be licensed apart from
personal or commercial releases. It is in the responsibility of the user to get
those releases, we´ll support as much as we can.
If a license in a wide range of advertising is targeted, we will license it exclusively
after all neccessary releases are on the table. Concerning the releases we support
the buyer, but we don´t take any responsibility for the buyers uses. Till
we provide our own price list we orientate at the list of
Due to the support of this website
and the project will be completely refurbished within the next months.